Mathematics is an intellectually vital and beautiful field of study, one which has a history of four millennia, but in which new discoveries are made regularly. A bachelor’s degree in mathematics, combined with a broad-based education, will offer a valuable edge: the ability to think clearly, to solve problems, to make decisions, and to communicate effectively. Students who major in Mathematics can, in coordination with their advisers, choose a course of study that leads to career and graduate school opportunities in pure mathematics or applied mathematics. A major in Mathematics, combined with teacher certification, will allow students to enter the teaching occupation at the secondary level. Candidates with these qualifications are in high demand throughout the country. With guidance from faculty advisers, students can also pursue other interdisciplinary studies, combining mathematics with biology, economics, physics, and other fields. Students may choose to concentrate their mathematical studies in a particular area as an applied interest. Formal concentrations are offered in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, and Statistics. These concentrations join critical courses from pure and applied mathematics with foundational mathematics courses to provide a powerful basis for further study or careers in these fields. Small classes and extensive computer use provides students with hands-on experience.